Short Story And Purpose Of 10 Avatāras (Incarnations) Of Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu is one of three supreme gods (tridev) (brahma, vishnu, Mahesh) , he is believed to be preserver and operator of all existence. He incarnates on this earth in all four yug to establish dharma for mankind and to save and salvation of saints.

Lord Vishnu is also believed to be the most merciful and compassionate in Tridev. Lord Vishnu’s Devotees worship the idol. His appearance is very beautiful and charming.

A total of twenty-four incarnations of Vishnu are described in the Puranas for the salvation of his devotees, protection of mankind from evil people and demons and for the establishment of Dharma for mankind.

Ten incarnations of Vishnu have special importance among the twenty-four incarnations. These are called Dashavatar. Dash means “Ten” and avatāra, roughly equivalent to “Incarnation”.

Let us know storys and purpose of 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu

10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu

The Avatāras (Incarnations) Of Lord Vishnu

Ten Avatāra of Lord Vishnu

  1. Matsya;
  2. Kurma;
  3. Varaha;
  4. Narasimha;
  5. Vamana;
  6. Parashurama;
  7. Rama;
  8. Krishna and Balarama;
  9. Buddha;
  10. Kalki;
1. Matsya Avatāra

In satyug there was a pious sage named Satyavrata Manu. He was a devotee of lord Vishnu and related to Dharma.

At that time, the world was about to be flooded. Creator Brahma was in a sleeping state and a demon named Hayagriva, who stole the Vedas from Creator god Brahma and knowledge was vanishing from the world.

Lord Vishnu Incarnate the form of Matsya to protect Manu from the impending deluge and to take back the Vedas from the evil demon Hayagriva.

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With the help of Matsya, Manu and the Saptarishis survived the deluge and reached the Hemvan mountain. And knowledge became manifest in the world.

2. Kurma Avatāra

Kurma Avatar is the second incarnation of the Dashavatar of Lord Vishnu. Kurma is sanskrit word it means a tortoise.

The purpose of the Kurma avatar was to save Mandrāparvat, which was drowning in the sea during the Manthan.

Once Maharishi Durvāsā gifted a Neck Garland to Devraj Indra. But Devraj Indra did not like it much. He gave that Neck Garland to his Elephant. After a few moments The Neck garland fell down from the elephant’s neck, and the elephant inadvertently crushed it with heavy feet.

Maharishi Durvasa did not like. Indrā’d using in this way with the gift given and he got angry at Devrāj Indra and other demigods. Eventually, The demigods lost their divine powers because of his anger.

And they were also ashamed of their act

By praying to Lord Vishnu, the demigods came to know about the way to get rid of this problem.And they started churning the sea.( Samundra–manthan)

Kurma handled Mandrāparvat on his back. Samundra–manthan was completed. And the demigods received nectar and fourteen divine items.

3. Varaha Avatāra

Varāha Avatar is believed to be the third incarnation of Lord Vishnu from Purana. Varāha means a pig , according to Purana and texts, the demon Hiranyāksha hid the earth in the sea.

Brahmā prays to Lord Vishnu for the solution of this problem. And suddenly a Varāha shishu was arises from the nose hole . Within a few moments it grew up touching the sky.

Varāha had traced the earth with his nostrils and took out the earth by resting on the teeth and numbed the water with hooves.

When Hiranyāksha came to know about this incident, he challenged Varāha for war, Hiranyaksha came to an end by Varaha in the war. And all the gods started praising Varāha Avtār of vishnu.

4. Narasimha Avatāra

Lord Vishnu’s Narasimha Avatar looks like half man and half lion.

In satyuga, Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu appeared to protect his child devotee Prahlād and kill the ruthless king Hiranyakashupu.

There is a reason for Narasimhā avatar of Lord Vishnu, No one could kill Hiranyakashupu except Narasimha.

He was qualified by Brahma because of his severe penance. No living creature and weapon of the world could kill him, He could not die even during day and night, He could not die by staying on earth and also in the sky, and he could not die in the house and even outside the house.

When he was being killed. It was evening after sunset. Was at the door of the house and between the sky and the earth in the lap of Narasimhā, Narasimhā killed him with his nails.

5. Vamana Avatāra

In the Vamana Avtār, Lord Vishnu appeared as a dwarf with a divine body. Vamana is known for his great intelligence and quick thinking. He is believed a symbol of humility and power.

King Bali considered Indra as his enemy. He attacked the Demigods and took over their kingdom, Amarāvatipuri.

After that war, Bali was the king of demons. As per the suggestion of his guru Shukrācharya, he started Māhā Abhishek Vishwajeet Yagya to gain lost powers.

As per the advice of daityaguru Shukracharya, he was helping to the Brahmins, poor in the Māhā Abhishek Vishwajeet Yagya as per their wish.

Vamana reached there, He praised and thanked King Bali for his decision to help the poor and Brahmins. and asked Bali for help by giving him three steps of land. Bali accepted his request. Surprisingly the size of Vamana’s body became bigger than the planet. He covered the whole earth in first one step, In the second step he covered the whole sky, and asked Bali the location of the third step.

Bali had nothing left now. To keep his word, Bali decided to offer his head for the third step. Vamana placed his third step on Bali’s head. Lord Vishnu was pleased with Bali’s generosity. He gave the pataal lok to Bali. And with the help of Vamana the gods regained their kingdom AmaravatiPuri.

6. Parashurama Avatāra

The Parashurama avatar, Lord Vishnu take a form of a Brahmin warrior. This avatar was taken to destroy the tyrannical Kshatriyas and restore Dharma. Parashurama freed the earth from the tyrannical Kshatriyas 21 times with his Parashu (axe) .

Parashurama avatar is also believed to be a great guru (teachar). He was the teacher of Bhishma, Drona and Karna of Mahabharata period and a dedicated devotee of Lord Shiva. His original name is Ram. He came to be known as Parashuram because he received Parashu (axe) from Lord Shiva.

7. Rām Avatāra

In TretaYuga, the Avtar of Rama. He was the first son of Maharaja Dasharatha and Queen Kaushalya, He had three younger brothers, Bharata, Lakshmana and Kshatrughna. Lakshmana is believed to be the incarnation of Sheshnag and Rama’s wife Sita is believed to be the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi.

Rama, Lakshmana and hanuman avtars were to free the earth from tyrannical demons and to protect the sages and saints.

During the 14 year exile, Lord ram and Lakshmana killed Ravan, Meghnad, bali, and other tyrannical demons kings And shiva’s Avtar Hanuman killed riotous demons like dhumraksh, akampan, devaantak, trishira, nikumbha etc.

Lord Ram followed the best standards of a human being. Ram respected all relationships, people agree that Lord Ram established a civilized society on earth, that is why he is also called Maryada Purushottam and Ādipurush.

8. Krishna Avatāra

Lord Shri Krishna is the complete incarnation. He is revered in the entire world due to his sweet and mischievous acts. He is also called JagatGuru. Lord Shri Krishna preached Bhakti Yoga, Karmayoga and supreme welfare to mankind. In his infancy and childhood he killed many riotous and tyrannical demons and freed the world from sinners.

Krishna was the eighth child of mother Devaki and father Vasudeva. By the wish of Lord Vishnu, Vasudeva took him to Yashodā and Nanda’s house in Gokul village.

Krishna’s elder brother Balarama is the Avtar of Sheshnag. In childhood, they killed riotous demons sent by Kansa. and did divine acts to save people and to take away the sorrow form villeges

9. Buddha Avatāra

In the Puranas, Buddha is the ninth incarnation in Dashavatara. Buddha was incarnated to spread the darma. He preached kindness towards men and women.

He took the form called buddha as the son of kasyap and jayani he was a brahmin. He fascinated the demons and made them give up the practice of Vedic religion.

10. Kalki Avatāra

Kalki Avatar is going to come at the end of Kaliyuga.

When the terrible Kali Yuga will be at its peak, Lord Kalki riding on a horse will free the earth from sins. And the Satya Yuga will begin again.

In conclusion

Lord Vishnu took Avtār in this world to preach the highest knowledge in world, to restore Dharma, to preach devotion, to save the sages and saints, and to free the earth from sin.

How many Avatars are there in Kaliyuga of Lord Vishnu?

There are 2 Avatars of Lord Vishnu in Kali Yuga. Mahatma Buddha and Kalki.Mahatma Buddha has been incarnated. And Kalki Avtāra is at the end of KaliYuga.


Who is the first avtāra of lord Vishnu?

According to the Puranas and Vedas, Sanakadi Muni is the first incarnation of the twenty-four incarnations of Lord Vishnu. And in the Dashavatar of Lord Vishnu, Matsya Avtāra is the first incarnation.

What are the names of the twenty-four incarnations of Lord Vishnu?

Sanakādi Muni, Varāha, Nārad Muni, Nar Nārāyana, Kapil Muni, Dattātreya, Yagya, Rishabh, Prithu, Matsya, Kurma, Dhanvantari, Mohini, Narasimha, Vāmana, Hayagriva, Sri Hari, Parshurama, Vedvyasa, Hans, Sri Ram, Sri krishna, Buddha and Kalki

Is Krishna an Avtāra of Lord Vishnu?

Lord Krishna is believed to be the Kalāvatār of Vishnu. He was full of 64 kalas. He is also considered to be a complete Avtār of patmātman.

Are Rama and Lakshmana avatārs of Vishnu?

Rama is the seventh Avtāra of Vishnu. And Lakshmana is believed to be an Avtāra of Sheshnāg. Sheshnāg is a devotee and servant of Vishnu.

Why does Lord Vishnu incarnate on earth?

There can be three reasons for the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Preaching righteousness to mankind, To restore Dharma, And salvation of sages, saints, and devotees.

Who is the last Avtāra of Lord Vishnu?

Kaliyuga is the last yuga in all the four yuga.The last Avtāra of Lord Vishnu is at the end of Kali Yuga. Kalki Avatar is the last. he will end the KaliYuga and the satyuga will start again.

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