What is Self-Knowledge? - Realization (Experience) of the Sacred Self

What is Self-Knowledge? – Realization (Experience) of the Sacred Self

What is Self-Knowledge?

Seekers! What is Self-Knowledge? We can understand it from the very words in the question itself. When you refer to yourself as ‘self,’ you are referring to your ‘Atma’ (Self). When the word ‘knowledge’ is added to ‘Atma,’ it signifies ‘knowledge of the self.’ In simple terms, it means “Who am I?”

The ultimate and true answer to “Who am I?” is what constitutes Self-Knowledge.

If someone were asked, “Who am I?” a common answer could be “I am a living being” or “I am a human being.” However, this answer is only limited to the physical aspect.

Self-Knowledge is not related to the physical body but to the Atma (Self). The awareness in the physical body, the consciousness, or the fact that the body is alive, is due to the Atma. To understand what the Atma is, is to attain Self-Knowledge.

Self-Knowledge cannot be imparted by any book or learned person. Rather, you can reach Self-Knowledge through your own realization. However, reaching Self-Knowledge can be a bit difficult for most people because one’s own mind acts as an obstacle to the path of Self-Knowledge.

Obstacles of the Mind in the Practice of Self-Knowledge

If you observe the mind separately from yourself, you will realize how it controls you. It’s as if you are a puppet whose strings are controlled by your unstable mind. When the mind desires something—whether a person, an object, or a situation—your senses and intellect, all controlled by the mind, act according to its wishes. In fact, the happiness and sorrow you experience in life are caused by this very mind.

In the Bhagavad Gita, a chariot is used as a metaphor. In this metaphor, a person is compared to a charioteer. The five senses of the body are likened to the horses of the chariot, the intellect is the reins, the mind is the charioteer, and the Atma (Self) is the master of the chariot. Through the alignment of your mind and senses, you experience both happiness and sorrow in life.

Ego Prevents Self-Knowledge

The feeling of ego can arise from performing actions or obtaining certain things or situations. However, the ego that obstructs Self-Knowledge is deeply rooted in your very existence.

The concept of “I” is the very ego. To destroy this ego, it is not enough to simply stop referring to yourself as “I.” This ego must be eradicated from the inside, meaning it must be discarded from the mind, in order to experience the Atma.

Experience of Self-Knowledge

The Atma, which is beyond the mind, intellect, duties, and senses, can only be experienced when you recognize yourself as separate from the mind, intellect, duties, and senses. This realization is the experience of Self-Knowledge or the experience of your true nature. In this experience, the mind becomes inactive, calm, or still, and it ceases to behave in its usual manner. The intellect becomes free from all thoughts, and the yogi finds themselves in the divine consciousness of the Atma. The Self-realized yogi perceives the Self as omnipresent, eternal, divine, primordial, and eternal.

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How to Practice to attain Self-Knowledge?

The Self is beyond the mind, intellect, and duties. However, the mind, intellect, and duties have veiled the Self to such an extent that experiencing or realizing it seems difficult.

To experience the Self, it is essential to renounce the mind, senses, and duties. Until this renunciation is complete, the experience of the Self cannot be realized. The mind will push away the Self if you desire Self-Knowledge. To practice Self-Knowledge, you must begin with emptiness, without any desires or duties, and only then can Self-Knowledge be attained.


Self-Knowledge is the realization of the Self. The Self is beyond your duties, mind, intellect, and senses. The realization of the Self or the experience of this divine consciousness occurs when you recognize yourself as the unchanging Self, beyond the mind, intellect, senses, and all duties.


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to like someone’s Self?

When you like someone’s Self, it is akin to expressing love. Liking someone’s Self is akin to liking them without any desires; this is selfless love.


What does Self-Knowledge mean?

Self-Knowledge means understanding your true essence, recognizing the Self as the witness, and gaining knowledge of your duties, thoughts, mind, and intellect.


How to Recognize a Self-Realized Person?

A Self-Realized person is naturally at ease, free from material desires, living harmoniously with all beings, and remains the same in all circumstances of joy and sorrow. Such a person has realized the divine consciousness within them. They see this consciousness in every being.

What is another term for Self-Knowledge?

Terms such as Self-Realization, Supreme Knowledge, are synonymous with Self-Knowledge.

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