How to Chant God’s Name
There is no compulsion to chant God’s name at any particular place, time, or day; chanting God’s name can be done at any time. Saints and ascetics do continuous chanting, which has incomparable benefits. However, even at other times, chanting the name of God is highly beneficial.
Devotion itself is given by God; without God’s will, chanting anyone’s name is not possible.
God’s name can be chanted at any time, in any condition, and in any place. It is not necessary to chant aloud; instead, chanting the name quietly or silently in the mind is better. Chanting the name with a gentle voice carries more meaning and helps in focusing the mind.
Many devotees chant the name while meditating using a mala (prayer beads), sitting in front of God’s idol, or in a peaceful place, where no distractions can disturb their devotion.
While chanting the name, some devotees focus on God’s form in their mind, while others remain immersed in the rhythm of the name.
Benefits of Chanting God’s Name
Chanting God’s name (remembrance, recitation) brings infinite benefits both in life and after death. In Kali Yuga, chanting God’s name is the only means through which devotees attain salvation and liberation. Just as special food is prepared to satisfy guests or a lullaby is sung to soothe a child, chanting God’s name is a supreme way to please God.
It is impossible to describe all the countless benefits of chanting God’s name, as devotees have received so many benefits from chanting that even if one searches for ages, they would not be able to capture them all.
In a past era, Sage Narad was once an ignorant, weak servant. Through the association with saints and chanting God’s name, he attained the divine status of Devarshi. Prahlad, the supreme devotee, continuously chanted God’s name, and even as a child, he attained divine realization. God protected Prahlad from his father, Hiranyakashipu, and in the end, Prahlad left the mortal world and went to God’s revered abode, Vaikuntha. In the Mahabharata period, Sage Maitreya, through the effect of chanting God’s name, transformed from an insect into a learned sage.
There are countless stories of devotees receiving wondrous benefits through chanting God’s name.
Some of the Countless Benefits of Chanting God’s Name
Let’s look at some benefits of chanting God’s name, which every devotee can expect:
- Consciousness is awakened.
- Spiritual knowledge is gained.
- Spiritual progress is achieved.
- The mind becomes focused.
- Attainment of divine grace.
- Mental stress is relieved.
- Divine realization occurs.
- Spiritual bliss is experienced.
- Devotion increases.
- Desires, attachment, greed, hatred, anger, sadness, and vengeance are eliminated.
- The devotee becomes fearless.
- The heart is filled with divine love.
- The ability to face and overcome difficulties in life is gained.
- During crises, chanting God’s name with His will can relieve even the most intense challenges.
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The Glory of Chanting God’s Name
Once, Tulsidas was chanting God’s name when someone asked him, “Sometimes, due to karmic bondage or laziness, I don’t feel like engaging in devotion, but I still chant God’s name. Does this still bring any benefit?”
Tulsidas replied:
Tulsī mere rāma ko rījh bhajo yā khījh. Bhauma paṛā jāme sabhī ulṭā sīḍā bīj.
Meaning: When seeds are sown in the soil, nature doesn’t consider whether the seeds are placed upside down or right side up; eventually, all seeds sprout and emerge from the ground.
Bhāyaṁ kubhāyaṁ ankh ālas huṁ. Nāma japata maṅgala diśi daśahuṁ.
Meaning: Even when you feel lazy or uninterested while chanting, still chanting the name will yield results.
In this way, regardless of how one chants, the devotee will undoubtedly receive the benefits.
Chanting God’s name or mantra leads to spiritual progress, and by chanting God’s name, one can find solutions to life’s challenges.
The glory of chanting God’s name is sung in the Vedas and Puranas. By focusing on God’s form in the mind and chanting His name, the devotee becomes one with the five elements and attains spiritual peace and bliss. Scriptures confirm that chanting the names of Lord Ram, Krishna, or Shiva brings infinite benefits.
We are living in the age of Kali Yuga. The scriptures describe Kali Yuga as a great age, where it has become easier to attain God than in previous Yugas. Kali Yuga is the final age of a cycle, and in this era, by simply chanting God’s name, devotees can attain liberation from the cycle of life and death and reach the blissful abode of Moksha.
Thus, the glory of God’s two-syllable name, Shri Hari, is infinite.
Ye vadanti narā nityam harirityakṣaradwayam. Tasyoccāraṇamātreṇa vimuktāste na saṁśayaḥ.
Meaning: Those who chant the two-syllable name of God (Hari) are freed from the cycle of birth and death by the mere utterance of His name, without a doubt.
This verse celebrates the glory of the Hari name, which contains eternal bliss. By chanting the name of Hari, one is undeniably liberated from the suffering of the material world.
Hare rāma hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇeti maṅgalaṁ. Evaṁ vadanti ye nityaṁ na hi tān bādhate kaliḥ.
Meaning: Those who constantly chant or remember the mantra “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” are never harmed by the troubles of Kali Yuga.
God always protects His devotees.
The glory of chanting God’s name is limitless; it cannot be compared to any other ritual like yajna, puja, or homa. It is not necessary to be in any special place or condition to chant God’s name; it can be chanted quietly or silently at any time with devotion.
Chanting God’s name is the basis of meditation, and it is the best method to attain supreme bliss and merge with the Divine.
Chanting the name at any available moment is easy and excellent, but the glory of continuous chanting is unparalleled. Saints and ascetics perform uninterrupted chanting, which has immense benefits.
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Chanting God’s name is the most excellent method to attain God. Chanting the name can bring countless transformations in life. The Vedas and Puranas have extolled chanting God’s name as the highest and most incomparable practice. Whenever you get the chance, remember God’s name—it will please Him and always lead to welfare.