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Experience of Parmatma (Supreme Self) – How to Meditate on the Supreme Self


The meaning of life is the realization of Parmatma through meditation, which leads a person to liberation (Moksha).

Have you ever thought about how to attain the Supreme Reality? That state where your mind turns inward, dissolving into absolute peace and divine bliss.

Parmatma is the Supreme Essence that pervades you, me, and all of existence. Just as a reflection exists in a mirror, this entire universe is immersed in Parmatma.

When we free the Self from the illusion of the world with awareness, we become one with Parmatma. “World” refers to the body and mind (ego), which you might mistakenly consider as the Self, but this is not true; rather, it is an illusion.

Under the influence of ignorance, a being assumes the body to be its ultimate existence. But when a seeker removes ego and ignorance through knowledge, yoga, and meditation, he finds himself immersed in the Supreme Reality. This awareness transcends ego and mind, establishing unity with Parmatma.

When a yogi advances in meditation and attains perfection, he experiences the realization of Parmatma (direct experience, wisdom). This is the true purpose of human life—attaining Moksha.

meditating parmatma

Experiencing Parmatma in Meditation

Parmatma cannot be known through intellectual knowledge or the senses. Our intellect and senses are tools for understanding the external world, but Parmatma is the essence that illuminates them all.

Parmatma is unknowable because He transcends our thoughts, imagination, and intellect. He is not merely knowable but “All-Knowing.”

The divine consciousness of Parmatma resides within all beings. When a yogi realizes this consciousness through meditation, he becomes free from ego and individuality, dissolving into Parmatma. In this state, “what was, no longer remains,” and complete oneness with Parmatma is established.

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If a seeker wishes to connect with Parmatma, he must dissolve his false ego. Just as the sun and darkness cannot coexist, divine wisdom (Parmatma) and ignorance cannot exist together.

Parmatma is the Ultimate Truth and the only reality. Everything material is “non-Self,” meaning it is different from the Self. The external world, body, mind, and senses all fall under materiality, but under ignorance, a being mistakes them for the Self.

When a yogi liberates himself from the bondage of materiality through meditation, he attains the purity of the Self, which is inseparable from Parmatma.

“One who dissolves his existence in meditation attains Parmatma.”

This is the highest state of meditation, known as “Samadhi.” When a yogi attains this state, he completely dissolves all bonds of the Self and merges with Parmatma. This is the ultimate abode of Parmatma—liberation from the cycle of birth and death, leading to immortality.

How to Meditate on Parmatma? – Meditation Techniques

There are many paths to meditating on Parmatma, which vary according to an individual’s spiritual state and inclination.

Meditation Techniques:

  1. Form-Based Meditation – In this, the seeker focuses on a chosen deity, guru, or divine being as the center of meditation. This practice helps in developing concentration and gaining control over the mind.
  2. Formless Meditation – Unlike form-based meditation, in this method, no object or thought is focused upon; rather, an effort is made to remain in pure awareness.
  3. Mantra Chanting Meditation – This involves chanting a divine mantra (such as “Om” or “Soham”) or focusing on the name of one’s chosen deity. This is often practiced by devoted followers of God, such as chanting “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” or “Hare Krishna Hare Rama”, or concentrating on the lotus feet of God.
  4. Witnessing the Self Meditation – Here, the seeker observes thoughts, emotions, and the body as a witness without getting attached to them. This practice helps in freeing the Self from worldly attachments. This is also called “Buddhi-Yoga,” where intellect is used as a tool for enlightenment.
  5. Naad Yoga Meditation – This involves focusing on inner sounds, which become audible as concentration deepens. This method is particularly helpful for beginners in advancing their meditation. As meditation deepens, these sounds become clearer, serving as a tool to dive into the infinite depths of meditation.

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Regular Meditation Practice and Attaining Parmatma

A seeker who practices regular meditation can make his mind thought-free. In this state, fundamental ignorance is destroyed, and the yogi dissolves into supreme consciousness and bliss.

Samadhi, the state of complete oneness with Parmatma, is attained only through meditation. The continuous practice of meditation liberates the Self from the darkness of ignorance and establishes it in its true nature.

This is the state of complete freedom, where the Self is no longer bound by any material attachment. It is the blissful existence of supreme awareness, merging with Parmatma.

When we think of meditation and Samadhi, it should not be limited to mere practice for some time. To attain perfection in meditation, a person must undergo profound inner transformation.

Regular meditation practice invokes inner awareness and self-purification. This positive transformation helps a seeker ascend to higher meditative states. As one goes deeper into meditation, complete control over the mind is achieved, making the Self and mind true allies.

The ultimate benefit of this is that the seeker experiences oneness with Parmatma through meditation, which becomes the final goal of his spiritual journey.


Meditation on Parmatma is not just a practice but a path toward the ultimate state of the Self, which is the true purpose of life. Through meditation, we can free ourselves from limited identity and recognize our infinite consciousness.

With regular meditation, discipline, and surrender, a seeker can awaken divine consciousness within and establish unity with Parmatma. This journey is not easy, but its results are immensely blissful and liberating.

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