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How to Remove Sorrow – Sorrow, Happiness and Inner Peace


dukh kaise dur kare

We all experience sorrow, and everyone desires freedom from its heavy grip. However, most people find only temporary relief from this torment. While they may experience a brief escape, the sorrow lingers, quietly hiding deep within. Hiding sorrow is not the same as eliminating it—true happiness is only possible when sorrow is truly dissolved.

What is sorrow, and how can we finally be free from it?

Sorrow arises when an external situation disturbs our mind, but the same is true for happiness—both begin from within us.

Most people seek ways to overcome sorrow in the external world. For instance, if a person suffers the heartbreak of a broken relationship, they may desperately try to reunite or find a new partner in the hope of escaping the pain. If someone feels sorrow because they are not married, they might place all their hopes in finding a spouse. If someone loses wealth, they may seek out the thief, their heart aching for what was lost. In moments of deep anguish, like the death of a loved one, no external remedy seems to suffice, and one often turns to God in search of solace.

But here’s the truth—sorrow does not come from the outside; it originates from within us.

A person who is sad can indeed find freedom from sorrow. They know that if they turn their attention away from it or detach their heart from it, sorrow will begin to fade. Yet, even with this awareness, they sometimes remain captive to it, for its true source lies within. Sorrow is not always triggered by external events; rather, it is the internal sorrow that finds its expression when the right circumstances arise.

This means that sorrow does not come from the world outside—it is already hidden deep inside us. When the time is right, it surfaces, often unexpectedly. Yet, sorrow does not always express itself, and if it did, it would be easier to overcome. The truth is, we allow sorrow to dominate us; it only has power over us because we give it permission. Even without our consent, it cannot take control unless we let it.

Sorrow only expresses itself when the right opportunity presents itself, and this game of hide-and-seek is played right before our eyes. It’s as if sorrow knows how to hide just out of sight, waiting for the perfect moment to catch us off guard.

Sorrow is a master at this game of hide-and-seek. We can’t defeat it or capture it, but it effortlessly catches us at our most vulnerable moments. The only true way to overcome sorrow is to stop playing this game entirely. If we step outside its reach, it will still continue its dance, but it will no longer have power over us.

   Jivan ki Shuddhta    

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The Search for Happiness and the Removal of Sorrow…

When we seek happiness in fleeting things, we often find that it comes hand-in-hand with sorrow. For example, a person might experience a moment of joy in a loving relationship, but when it falls apart, they are left broken and sorrowful. Someone might find happiness in wealth, but if that wealth is lost, it is replaced by despair. A person may bask in the warmth of respect, but when that respect fades, they are left feeling empty and worthless.

The pursuit of happiness inevitably leads us toward sorrow. The solution is not to abandon the desire for happiness, for this is a natural and beautiful longing, but to avoid being ruled by it. Those who allow happiness to govern them must understand that they, too, are ruled by sorrow. The higher the value we place on fleeting joy, the deeper the sorrow we invite into our lives.

The search for true happiness is not complete until sorrow is fully eradicated from within. A slight reduction in sorrow is not true happiness—it is merely its shadow. Suppressing sorrow temporarily only nourishes it, allowing it to return with greater force and deeper pain. We must realize that suppressing or hiding sorrow is not the same as seeking happiness. The true quest for happiness is the removal of all sorrow within our hearts.

Patience may suppress sorrow, but it cannot offer lasting freedom. Knowledge, however, holds the key to true liberation from sorrow.

Those who are wise understand that happiness and sorrow are like clouds—they come and go, but the vast sky of peace remains untouched. When we cling to external objects or experiences that promise happiness, we inevitably feed sorrow as well. Attachment to these fleeting things only strengthens sorrow within.

The absence of longing for happiness itself is the true path to peace and freedom. When we no longer seek joy in the world around us, we find the joy that resides deep within. One must understand the sorrow within and remove it—not by seeking external comfort, but by embracing the eternal peace that lies beyond.

Simple Methods for Immediate Relief from Sorrow:

I have shared the truth about sorrow and its source, but for many, this journey may feel daunting or slow. Here are some simple steps that can provide immediate relief from the grip of sorrow:

  1. Do not suppress sorrow—Avoid using temporary distractions like substance abuse or harmful actions. These may provide a fleeting illusion of relief, but they only deepen the sorrow in the long run. True relief comes from acknowledging sorrow, not from running from it.
  2. Surrender to truth—Embrace the truth, no matter how painful it may be. Truth is the shield that protects us from deeper sorrow. By surrendering to the truth of who we are and what we face, we free ourselves from the weight of stress and suffering, finding true peace.
  3. Sorrow is temporary—Sorrow may feel eternal in the moment, but it will eventually fade. It does not last forever. If we open our hearts and minds, we realize that sorrow exists only because we accept it and allow it to dominate our lives. When we stop holding on, it begins to slip away.
  4. Surrender to duty—Let go of selfish desires and focus on fulfilling your responsibilities with love and devotion. The path of selflessness and service to others is a direct path to peace and joy.
  5. Make decisions with faith—Choose your path with faith and integrity. Trust that the right decisions will lead to freedom from sorrow and the embrace of peace.
  6. Meditate—Through meditation, sorrow dissolves. In stillness, the mind finds clarity, and in that clarity, sorrow loses its grip. Chanting mantras, offering devotion, or engaging in silent contemplation can all bring a sense of peace and healing.

By following these steps, we can find immediate relief from sorrow and make space for the lasting peace and joy that reside within us.

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